In the mid sixties, Mitch was involved in the emerging 'Hippy' movement publishing 'The' subculture magazine back where he started, in Toronto's Yorkville Village. The publication (Funk Magazine) featured  satirical humour, editorial content,  political content, where to go for food and entertainment information, musical reviews and relevant news of the day. The 'Village' as Toronto's Yorkville/Cumberland/Annex area was known at the time, was very introspective, in essence a community unto itself. This magazine covered the comings and goings of  most of the clubs, restaurants and lounges in and around the area including the Yonge Street strip featuring who was appearing where.

 Most of the clubs in the Village and downtown area advertised in the book and most of the bands that came out of the Toronto music scene of the day were promoted on the pages of Funk Magazine. The Rogues, Neil Young, The Mynah Birds, The Paupers, David Clayton Thomas, Jack London & The Sparrow, The Ugly Ducklings, Kensington Market, Luke and The Apostles, The Just Us,  McKenna Mendelson Mainline, Steppenwolf, John & Lee & The Checkmates, Grant Smith & The Power etc. etc.